Why is iim lucknow called hell

Hypothesis has been tested with a large enough sample size. Hostel Life: Some form of life will be found awake at all times fueled by the life line which is the night mess. The general mood can be sensed by the kind of music blazing on speakers at that time.

Popular hang-out places: 1. Gupta Ji 4. Social life: Networking is the buzz word heard a lot during the initial few days. About the Author:. His hobbies include writing, poetry and running. For a daily dose of the hottest, most insightful content created just for you! Each of the IIMs has a varying admission policy, taking into account varying selection criteria.

Writing CAT ? Just two weeks to go. Lots of apprehension, fear and anticipation are being felt right now. Unlike in subjects like pure sciences, technology, commerce, etc. A lot of it is developed through classroom discussions and reading how things played out in multiple scenarios through cases. I am not a believer of great difference in the faculty theory - In my opinion professors at all these institutes have more than enough to offer than what a student can absorb.

There might be a couple of companies here and there that hire only from XLRI not that I am aware of any apart from the ones that hire in HR roles from their HR program. Although you might not land you dream job on day one, you might have a higher chance of moving to one of these coveted companies because of the people from your batch who got placed in these companies - it is simply easier to get your resume through the door.

This is the key difference. Again its not that you would not be able to achieve it at all if you are at XLRI, but it will be a lot more difficult. On an introspective level, that response seems pretty valid. You need to understand why you are doing a course which is going to cost you few years of your life savings leaving aside post monetary benefits and what person you would want to be after the 1 year course and then finally pick the college which synergizes most with you. But assuming that you have thought through all that and are still here, as someone who has been lucky to have got admitted into both the programs, I will try to walk you through few of my thoughts while being as objective as possible.

I chose IPMX, but finally taking a decision is going to be more than just evaluating metrics. This is not a one-fits-all program so you can always talk the alumni network and with have your own metrics in place to take a decision.

Both are wonderful B-schools. Best of luck! All three of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. And while choosing colleges one should not go by common notion of choosing the oldest college or highest package as the criteria instead students must try to do a SWOT and look at which syncs best with their long term goals. IIM Indore : Being one of the prominent choices among the student fraternity, is considered premium because of its age.

Students always look onto placement report and see brands, imagining themselves working for those brands, little do they know most of them wont be shortlisted to get that opportunity.

Having a large batch size gives you little opportunity to be shortlisted in big brands appearing in their report. Average of students getting job in later half is much more lower than many private colleges. But on positive note getting into a older college with a good reputation will work in longer term provided one works hard in the corporate world.

But this doesnt change anything, both new IIMs and Shillong are going at a same pace. This is mainly because of logistics constraints that they have, recruiters for IIM grads are generally top level managers. For top level managers each minute has a cost and loosing on time for travel is the last thing they would want to do. Shillong having a airport at gauwhati, which is around 3hr of road travel from Shillong makes it a difficult choice for recruiters. Which is why they are choosing new IIMs over Shillong.

On the positive side Shillong though working from a temporary campus, is a well equiped campus which is lagging in new IIMs. IIM Ranchi has done phenomenally good in short span surpassing Shillong. This gave them a hand over other colleges with most of the early alumni in higher HR position is easy to convince them to bring companies to campus. Thus making their placement better and with lower batch size giving almost equal opportunity to everyone. But student pool still preffer Ranchi over all new IIMs and Shillong, giving them a better pool of talent to attract recruiters.

In case the latter acronym does ring a bell let me put your suspicions to rest — no I am no mega genius with two MBA degrees to my name. Fortunately or unfortunately not many people seem to know of it or even if it is known it cedes the TOM Top of Mind position to its more illustrious namesake.

It was much more than that. As the Ambassador taxi entered the gates of my temporary abode I was stunned by its apparent beauty and my eyes swallowed the images of places and buildings which would reveal their identity through words that I would inherit in due course of time — Patanjali, Chanakya, Slums.

The suspense had reached its climax. It was time to overcome the final frontier. My first thought was that he was guiding me to the residence of some important person to complete the formalities for hostel allotment.

But once inside I noticed that the flats Hostel 12 were indeed single bedroom hostel accommodation. I recalled the draw of lots which had taken place only moments earlier at the Student Affairs Office for the purpose of hostel allotment and realized what a Lucky beginning it had been to my stint at IIM Lucknow.

REMS or remedial classes as they are called are supposed to be the magic potion which would make an ordinary graduate equivalent to an extraordinary species called the engineer. For best results use one dose of mathematics and one dose of computer basics everyday for a fortnight. While a part of me does not want to totally dismiss the exercise as a farce another part, the more practical one, knows that any sort of learning during that period was purely coincidental.

The REMS may not have done wonders to my foundation in mathematics or computers but it sure did lay the foundation for my social circle for the next two years. In fact all of us by virtue of being non engineers had gained a massive advantage of having the opportunity to engage in an activity which former B school students rate as an extremely critical factor in career success — Networking.

The context was beautifully designed for this purpose and we exploited it to the fullest. Parties on hostel terraces, walks round campus, eating out in the city and ample conversation everywhere — elements of a carefree life that we would yearn for a few weeks hence. REMS truly is the calm before the storm. Pity the engineers only get to see the latter. They will never know what their opportunity cost is.

The commencement of the PGP program is a landmark event for any B school student. For the furiously focused it represents the beginning of the path towards a vivid goal; for the myopic multitude it is the moment of truth when their expectations come face to face with reality setting in motion a process of self discovery; for the lethargic loafers it denotes the onset of a necessary evil — an annoying two years before they can take home a hefty pay packet.

During the course of the program one observes that the people in the middle category move into one of the other two. I daresay I suffered from an identity crisis because by nature I belonged to the third category the behavioral rudiments of my experience as an Arts student and by circumstances I fitted into the first an advertising background that clearly pointed towards a marketing career. I soon realized that I would be hopping between extremes for the next two years.

The first class was that of ITM i. Information Technology for Managers. The courses commenced without much fanfare and by the end of the week I had a fair idea of the next two years of my life. The professors were a mixed bunch — some immediate attention grabbers, a few sophisticated and systematic and others a sure shot remedy for insomniacs. All well qualified no doubt but the articulation of their vast knowledge was the basis for separating the grain from the chaff.

Communication is essential for budding managers, it is even more so for the professors who teach them. It is the essential link between teaching and learning without which transfer of knowledge is impossible. This realization formed the basis of my knowledge acquisition in the months to follow.

I could now quickly recognize the classes which could supplement my bed time! Committees by definition are a small, dedicated group of people who undertake a definite task for a specified time period and ensure its completion.

The word had gained a new dimension at IIML. It stood for recognition, a C. The 20 plus committees of campus highlighted only the former aspect in an effort to woo prospects and it worked like magic — I knew of people who applied to each and every one of them without even knowing what some of the acronyms stood for.

I had been actively involved in the cultural events of my graduation college and had assumed leadership roles in the organizing committees therein. Such a qualification would make me an automatic choice for the principal committees Placecom, Manfest, Index , I thought. This thought was upheld and further strengthened when the results of the first round of the selection process were announced. I was alive in all the six committees that I had applied to which comprised the three principal committees and three others.

The next round was crucial — the task round. From my early conversations with seniors I had formed a perception of tasks as nightmarish monsters which feed on and devour time and push the people involved to the limits of endurance. Every word of it was true. For a PGP 1 the first few weeks are anyways unsettling and these tasks add to the turbulence. But the incentive is worth the effort put in and the stress involved in the pursuit.

The disappointment of not making it despite making the tasks as intrinsic to your daily routine as brushing your teeth is truly overshadowed.

What about the self doubts that creep in? I knew I had been thrust with the opportunity to explore this situation when my name did not figure in the lists of the three principal committees. I had made it to one all right - the Student Exchange Committee — but it could by no means mask my anguish. I felt like I had hit a nadir right away and it made me revisit my original fear.

Every institution, profession or discipline has a set of terms unique to itself which serves as a common language among its practitioners or members.

The common word for it is terminology or jargon. Management probably tops the list when it comes to this. It is an art, a science, a paradigm, a necessity, a panacea, a trait all in one and manifests itself in every aspect of B school life. You can classify courses based on the degree of globe: Marketing is globe, Finance is not, Strategy is structured globe, Ops is less globe but the truly global subject is HR.

Even this very personal account is a work of globe. When we talk of people some people are better endowed than others with this critical ability. I consider myself to be among the more fortunate. A crucial take out from a B school is supposed to be the ability to function effectively in teams. With this noble purpose as the backdrop professors took the liberty of making our groups in most of the courses in first year. As expected there was a sense of resentment at not being able to form groups with people we knew.

But the worst was yet to come — working with people we knew only too well. By the end of first term they had become so well known that they found themselves isolated when group formation was left to the students. An important aspect of group activity is meetings. They are supposed to be the arena for group dynamics and a learning ground for team building.

That may be ideologically true but by the end of the first term we found them unnecessary.


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