First, you can wear a protective cup in a pair of compression shorts. The cup can be sewn into the material and fits snuggly or placed inside a pouch. The other option is a jockstrap. This is a waist-band that is designed solely to hold a cup firmly in place. There are a lot of injuries that you might not have considered possible that a cup will protect you against. You can suffer anything from testicular fracture or rupture, testicular torsion, severe bruising, and many other injuries.
Not only are they going to be so painful that you could pass out on the mat, but they will usually require surgery to fix. The best way to look at it is this: do you want to buy and wear a relatively comfortable piece of protection, or face an injury that will change your life and prevent you from taking part in sports? If you want to hear a horror story about not wearing a cup, then check out the video below There's a few different types of cups and groin guards that you'll come across:.
These are some of the more advanced gear. They look just like regular compression shorts but have a sleeve that you can fit your cup into. Jock straps come in a few varieties. They can vary from pieces that look like underwear or could be a smaller groin guard that is held in place by several straps. A jock strap also has a cup compartment that you can use to fit your cut into and change it out if necessary. Jock straps used to be the only type of holder for your protective gear, but more types are becoming available all the time.
On the other hand, you can use plastic like most people tend to do. The fit of the cup is important for you to consider when picking one out. If it does, you will be vulnerable to a whole host of different potential injuries that we already outlined. You need to strike a balance with the protection and the comfort provided by the cup that you choose to wear.
You get what you pay for is a good motto to live by when it comes to buying a protective cup, or any protective gear for that matter. The answer should seem obvious because you can never put a price on proper protection.
The best BJJ cup might cost more than the ones you dig out of a value bin, but the investment will be worth it after someone accidentally lands a knee to your groin and you can still talk without squeaking. These compression shorts are designed using top-level materials featuring military-grade elastic and spandex that is made to be protective and comfortable.
The first thing that most users wonder about is the comfort of the product that they are using. In this case, you can count on the compression shorts being breathable and not affecting your movement to a great degree. After all, these shorts are part of a system that includes a specially-made cup that is designed to fit into these shorts and give you the comfort and protection you need.
The cup is made from some pretty serious material. Aside from being very strong, the cup is also made so that is comfortable as well. The edge of the cup is made from an elastomer material that makes it softer than the rest of the cup without making it less protective. This product was considered by a board of urologists to be among the best and safest of all cups on the board, and that approval carries weight.
Overall, this is a trustworthy and effective product that you can use to keep yourself safe while engaging in martial arts training and it definitely stands out among other similar products. The Shock Doctor brand is well known for their dedication to creating products designed to keep athletes safe. These compression shorts and cup format that is used here is a very common way of ensuring that the user is protected and not distracted due to various straps. The cup is fitted into these shorts using an X-Pocket Retention System that prevents excessive movement of the cup and also has the cup ride a little lower than some other models.
This will give you more of a range of motion without feeling the cup slide against any sensitive parts. Another one of the most important factors about the cup is the Bio-Flex design. All in all, there is a lot to like about this cup because it provides the right kind of protection for a lot of different activities.
The emphasis on comfort has attracted a lot of people who need to bend and flex without feeling the cup so much, and that is exactly what they have delivered. It should not be a surprise that the Diamond brand appears again when looking at the best MMA cup products.
The Diamond MMA brand is known for its amazing protection offered by its cups. Unlike the compression shorts system that is also described on this list, the cup is fitted into a jock strap which is less restricting on your body and functions better for some people. The jock strap is made from military grade elastics so you can count on this product to stretch and bend along with you without snapping. The jock strap is part of a 4-strap system that holds the cup in place while you are wearing it.
The straps fit comfortably around your hips and butt without digging into your skin. It will feel more lightweight than most compression shorts and cup systems. You can count on not having to worry about it moving side to side or up and down no matter how rough things get on the mats. Much like the other Diamond MMA products, the cup here is made from the same kind of polycarbonates used in bullet resistant glass, so it can take some serious blows without giving in. Finally, the jock strap has a drawstring that you can use to get a custom fit for yourself.
That solidifies the comfort of the jock strap so you can make it just as snug as you see fit. This jock strap is designed for safety and has the benefit of being cost effective, too. There are a lot of things that this product does right in an effort to keep their users safe. The first thing that a lot of people notice is the somewhat minimal design of the jock strap.
Instead of featuring straps on the hips and buttocks, there is only a waistband, two straps, and the actual sleeve for the jock strap. The materials for this lightweight jock strap are made from Dry Tech, so they wick away moisture to keep you comfortable while also being very flexible. Another reason that this is a great jock strap is the rubber shield on the cup. This takes the brunt of the blow, reducing the impact and distributing the force Better still; the cup has two layers of shock absorption built into it so it gives you even more protection from blows.
The cup is a tad longer than many others, giving you a good fit for your anatomy and keeping you protected from all angles. All in all, Venum delivered a solid product that falls in line with many of the other cups listed here in terms of its price point, which is a relief on its own.
There are some pretty stark differences between this model and others. Another interesting part about this jock strap is that it is not made out of plastic.
This one is made from steel, so you can count on it being able to take a massive beating without damage. This padding on the edge of the cup also works well with the steel design to disperse any force that is applied to the cup.
The cup is one of the absolute best available on the market, as already explained. Yet, the compression shorts give this product a whole new dimension. Especially when they come as a pair and at an unbelievable price. The Diamond shorts are far more than just compression shorts. They actually have built-in jockstraps, making sure the cup stays perfectly in place.
They help the cup fit in perfectly, which only helps its anatomical properties. All in all, they are the perfect combination for grapplers, making them the best choice for ! So, your very first representative of the best BJJ cups for is a simple one. The Diamond Athletic Protector is a cup that professional football players, MMA fighters, and any other contact sports athletes wear. It has a high tech design that can neutralize even the hardest direct strike to the groin area.
No more trouble while you drill leg locks or someone misplaces a knee cut pass while rolling. The design features a soft edge that minimizes vibration and prevents rubbing. The cup stays securely in place despite grappling at a fast pace.
This is a result of a polycarbonate core, which is what bulletproof vests contain. While this does have merit when it comes to old-style cups, the modern best BJJ cups pose no such threat. The main concern with cups is positions like the mount, back control, or armbars. Namely, the trouble is that most old-style cups press awkwardly into sensitive body parts of training partners.
For example, a cup might really change the fulcrum of an armbar and elicit a faster and more painful tap. The trouble with mount is a bit more concerning. From both the back and front mount, the cup might end up pressing into the spine or sternum respectively, leading to potentially dangerous injuries.
Yet, this danger is no longer there, if you choose to use compression shorts with a cup, as they have a soft wrapping around the cup. Not to mention the design and shape of the cup that prevents such problems. Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. BJJ World. BJJ Breakfast ideas: 9 Easy ways to enjoy your day. DVD Collections. BJJ World - January 10, 0. Muay Thai is a devastating martial art that not everyone can practice.
If you're one of those that can stomach it, though, especially I This cup is good for any martial arts practitioner looking for an internal cup. While this is a great cup for MMA training, I do not recommend you show up to a professional fight wearing this. Any professional should spend a little more on protective gear to ensure they get the best, especially for competition. This is not the best cup for MMA, but it is a great low cost option.
If you are looking for more in depth information, please check out my Shock Doctor Cup Review. Jaco has a variety of great training products for mixed martial arts, and the cup they make is pretty solid. Also this cup can withstand some heavy strikes while keeping you safe.
The compression shorts come with several adjustable straps that help keep the cup in place. This is one of the better designs for compression shorts. While it is not as good as the Diamond MMA cup, but this is an excellent option for a lower cost.
This cup is nice and sturdy and the protective system is good for any striking or grappling situation. I have used a number of Jaco products and this is one of my favorite pieces they make. I believe the cup and shorts only come in one design and color. This cup is good for any MMA training situation and has an excellent price. You can get Sub Sports Compression Gear for a great price and they have plenty of options.
Also adding a layer of compression and help improve the overall stability and provide other benefits depending on the situation. Great Protection. Many Sizes. Great Fit. Great Value. Author Recent Posts. Follow me. Owner of evolvedMMA. I review any and everything.
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