If you're a beginner runner , your body isn't used to the repetitive motion, and you're likely to end up with some aches. That doesn't always mean you're actually injured, Reed Ferber, Ph.
It takes your body some time maybe even a few months to adapt to the new stress you're exposing it to. But if the pain persists, gets worse throughout your run, or goes away while you're running but comes back with a vengeance when you stop, those are signs you could have an actual injury.
Ferber says the best thing to do is stop running and go see a health care provider to figure out what's going on before you cause any permanent damage from your running injuries. There are a lot of ways you can sprain, strain, tweak, and tear yourself when you run, but below, we've laid out five common injuries for beginner runners.
This is the most common running injury, especially for new runners, Ferber says. He notes that for some people, the pain may start at the beginning of the run, subside throughout, and then pick up again as soon as you stop running.
What causes it: "It's a grinding injury," Ferber says. There's cartilage under your kneecap and also along your thigh bone, and a layer of fluid in between the two works as cushioning, Ferber explains. He says to think of the kneecap as a train, and the thigh bone femur as the train track. When the hips are weak, the thigh bone loses its stability and moves underneath the kneecap.
How to treat it: This is something most runners can deal with and will attempt to run through, Dr. Gallucci says.
But surprise! Initially, you should stop running and try to limit inflammation—taking anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can help. In the study, people with knee pain who completed six weeks of core and hip strength training reported an earlier resolution of pain and gained more strength than those who performed knee-focused rehab.
Here are the specific exercises he recommends. What it is: Medial tibial stress syndrome, more commonly known as dreaded shin splints, causes pain on the inside surface of the shin, "especially when walking, running, and pulling the foot upward or stretching it downward," says Nicholas M. Licameli, P. The pain can occur on the inner or outer side of the shins. Shin splints happen when there's repetitive trauma to the connective tissue that attaches this muscle to the tibia bone, says Dr.
The tissue breaks down, becomes inflamed, and sometimes scar tissue forms during the healing process, "which produces pain and tightness. How to treat it: Because shin splints are an overuse injury, you may need to stop running for a few weeks to rest the area, says the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
Ice and compression can help you feel better too. How to prevent it: Getting running shoes with more cushioning is a good start, but shoe choice is just a minor part of this, Ferber says. But what if the day of the race, my knee feels fine and I have to live with regret? But what will my coach think? But what will all my friends think? The answer, of course, is that they won't care. But the fact was, there were moments when I was pretty convinced the limb was gangrenous IDK and I was still determined to finish the darn race just to avoid letting people down-as if anyone in my life besides me really cared about me finishing.
No one cares. Do what's best for you. By Mirel Ketchiff. Save FB Tweet More. Be the first to comment! No comments yet. Close this dialog window Add a comment. Add your comment Cancel Submit.
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Exercise-induced asthma can be prevented with medication and by preparing for exercise and physical activity. Australian rules football is a physical contact sport that often results in injuries from tackling, kicking, running and constant competition for the ball. Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional.
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