Posted on July 21, by brunasilva Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. A sociopath, he takes sadistic pleasure in manipulating and brutalizing other children, especially Ender whom Peter loves bullying by looking into his eye, and is rejected from Battle School because he is too violent.
Because Shen wiggles his butt when he walks, he becomes Ender's first friend at Battle School. Who did Ender kill in Ender's Game? Who does Ender Wiggin marry?
What is ender afraid of? Ender is afraid of his brother and loves his sister. Wherever he goes, Ender makes things happen, and by age nine he is given his own army to command. Ender is angry at the various people who manipulate him throughout the novel. Read an in-depth analysis of Ender. Who is the smartest member of Dragon Army? The smartest member of the dragon army is Bean. While training his new army, what disappointed him about the way he was treating his soldiers?
He was disappointed because Ender thought about why making one boy the target of all the others, made him a good leader. How old is Valentine in Ender's Game? His pride cannot accept the fact that Ender is smarter and better than him, and this makes him cruel.
His honor forces him to fight Ender man-to-man, and Bonzo is killed in that fight. Bernard has his arm broken by Ender on the shuttle ride over because he attacked him.
Bernard tries to bully the launch group into disliking Shen and Ender. Bernard is one of those who went with Bonzo to corner Ender in the showers. The bully who attempts to gang up in Ender back in the days before battle school, he is unintentionally killed by Ender in a fight.
Ender learns that he killed Stilson while watching the tapes of Graff's trial. A small recruit in Ender's launch group who becomes a friend of Ender's through their mutual dislike of Bernard. Shen is one of Ender's commanders in the battles with the buggers. One of Ender's toon leaders in Dragon Army, Crazy Tom takes the initiative well and thinks quickly on his own. He is one of Ender's platoon leaders during the battles of the Third Invasion.
He is one of Ender's toon leaders in Dragon Army. Fly Molo is also with Ender during the battles against the buggers. Han Tzu is another of Ender's toon leader from Dragon Army. He works again with his commander in the war with the buggers.
He is one of the platoon leaders in the Third Invasion. Largely due to Dink's suggestion that he stick up for himself, Ender is able to make Rose the Nose back down and he lets Ender be. The chief of the I.
Graff wins out, and Ender saves himself, although Bonzo dies in the fight. The only teacher assigned by the school to actually befriend the Launchies, Dap looks out for the boys. He informs General Pace of the plot against Ender. The leader of the fleet, Chamrajnagar questions the three month vacation that Graff let Ender have and then fills Graff in on their plans for Ender at Command School.
However, Valentine had decided to retire from Demosthenes at the age of fifteen, and join Ender in exile as a colonist heading out to the former Formic worlds. She left Earth and headed to Command School , where the new colonists were gathering to leave to their respective planets. Ender wants to protect himself and other innocent people from evil.
Ender wrote the biography of his brother, The Hegemon, but said he could only publish it after he had died, as otherwise he would not be Speaking for the Dead. Peter died in 42 AX at age 57 after his heart gave out in his sleep.
The boy breaks his arm. Why does Graff intended to isolate Ender from the others. When it came time to choose their launch leader, Alai was the almost unanimous choice. He can calm down Bernard and make friends with Ender, uniting the Launch. Main Character and their conflict. Ender has strengths and weaknesses.
One of his strengths are that he is very smart, but that can be a weakness because it makes him isolated also.