Where is pamelas doll wow

No one friggin cares about any of that really except where to get the piece the quest is looking for. This is the information most people are reading these message boards for. Sure, some information about how easy or hard the quest mob is to kill is important, but not paragraphs about how bad you think you are because you used some skills that you think no one else in the game could ever think of and you post about how you achieved something that you think no one else can do.

No one cares about that crap. Just post where the item the quest is looking for and it will help the community much more. Comment by Allakhazam I found all three in the first house Inn style on the second floor. Comment by Allakhazam i soloed this as a 53 mage in 3 min 2 words mana shield, frost ward ok 4 words. Comment by Allakhazam If you're a rogue and you don't wanna fight the 55 mobs that guard the pieces, walk up to the pieces and spawn the ghosts, blind them the click the pieces right away, and sprint the hell out as soon as you loot, did this quest at level 50, took me about 15 minutes for all 3 do to cooldown on blind.

Comment by Allakhazam exp at lvl 57 no rep adj. Comment by Allakhazam Soled at 57 Rogue. I stayed stealthed, walk over the piece don't loot and fought one ghost, then looted. Comment by Allakhazam Approaching the village, there's a small house on the left. Enter that and 2 Ghosts of the Past appear, both level 55 that usually chill and frost shock you and deal damage between , particularly annoying.

I wasn't aware of that and dragged them outside, entangled one while I barkskinned myself and fought the other in cat form no, I didn't get enough rage in bear to handle only one , cast nature's swiftness for a quick heal and fought the other. I clicked the 2nd part to loot it and Looted the part and then attempted the last one Total : 4 guys to kill and 3 doll parts.

Comment by Allakhazam it takes some time.. Comment by Allakhazam This was really easy as a priest. Click on one peice, ghost appears, shackle him. Collect the doll peice, then defeat ghost. Repeat for other two. Just be creful to watch for Allies when you come outside. Comment by Allakhazam This quest was easy just pick up the doll parts up then back out far enough to use my gun. No problem at all! Comment by Allakhazam The three parts appear randomly in the 3 houses.

No part is always going to be in the same place. I had two parts left which I found in the smallest of the houses; unfortunately, there were three ghosts in there guarding them. I went to the biggest house and found them upstairs with only one ghost guarding. Do the following steps when going after the parts: 1 Before approaching or attempting to get the piece, make sure your health is at full.

And repeat accordingly :. Comment by Allakhazam Just a note, the ghosts will attack you before you attempt to pick up the item, but they are right next to each item. I also found a 'fake' doll piece laying on the ground in the building.

I went to it and fought the ghost, but couldn't pick up the piece, a few feet away was the real piece with another ghost. Edited, Mon May 30 Comment by Allakhazam Completed at lvl 50 with NE druid, xp, and that's it.

I'd run up, aggro the ghost, run away until aggro dropped, and then come back, poke him with a moonfire, and then root him.

Go in, grab the doll, and run away again. Got 2 from one building the smashed building , and the third from the little house. Easy enough, if I don't try to kill the ghosts. Comment by Allakhazam uh just so you know, the gy is in the village the quest is in. Comment by Allakhazam All 3 pieces was in the same house, soloed it easily at lvl Did it at 3 minutes and about sec.

Comment by Allakhazam Quest was easy as a lvl 55 rogue. All the parts were in the same house small cottage on left-hand side as you approach the village. As you approach a part get within range to perform Opening on it , a lvl 55 Ghost of the Past will spawn. I approached each part in stealth very slowly, and found that if you're slow enough, the ghost will spawn, but not even aggro on you.

This allowed me to handle each ghost one at a time, in addition to getting the jump on them i. Edited, Wed Dec 7 Comment by Allakhazam I picked all these up outside the buildings. Comment by Allakhazam It took a few tries Ok, a lot of tries, but I finally did this one on my own For the first two ghosts I used Combustion to hit them hard right off the bat, and also Mana Shield and Frost Shield will help out against these ghosts For the last part in the smaller house, I almost had the one killed then another one popped up, so be careful of that What I had to resort to was waiting till they both were gone, running up to the doll then out of the house but still close to the door , using Frost Nova to keep him there, then running back in to get the doll part Good luck.

Edited, Tue May 24 Comment by Allakhazam You don't have to try to loot the doll piece to aggro a ghost, so be careful. Pretty easy to just straight up kill the ghosts, if you're within their levels. Comment by Allakhazam Possibly the easiest quest i've ever completed, i slowly moved my mouse over the building until i seen the item then walked up to the wall from outside and collected each piece without having to enter the building.

Comment by Allakhazam Actually dont even go in the houses just con the doll parts from the outside of the houses and you dont have to fight they wont even notice you. Comment by Allakhazam Had to fight 3 ghosts in total,found it easier running in quickly then going back out. Soloed as lev 52 paladin. Comment by Allakhazam did this easily with my 51 orc rogue.

I just stole the pieces while a night elf druid was fighting the ghosts. Comment by Naommi I'll just leave this here Pamela's Doll. You found it! You found my doll! Oh, thank you! IsQuestFlaggedCompleted Classic TBC. Quick Facts. Comment by Kareemkorn Yep. Found the right side of the doll in the small single-story building and the other 2 parts upstairs in the other building.

Comment by BossInvader For some reason it took me a few minutes to figure this out Right click any one of the doll pieces in your bag once you find all 3 parts, it will combine them to make the doll that you can then complete the quest with.

Comment by Rizzatto Judging from what other people are saying about this quest and this item, the parts spawn at somewhat random locations.

I was looking all over for a piece that was supposed to be at the foot of the stairs before I checked the building next door and found it there. Comment by Ajfree Based on the doll parts' icons, that's one ugly looking doll. Comment by Razzlexi If you can't figure out how to finish the quest just open up your bag once you have all the parts and right click on any part of it and you will sew together the doll and it will complete the quest for you then just return the doll to the little girl. Comment by janan2 I found all 3 parts in the first building you come to on the right after talking to Pamela.

One was downstairs and the other two upstairs. Beware a ghost comes up after you click on the part. Comment by atchley I found all three in the small building not the one that is falling apart. You have to fight a spirit for every piece you pick up. Comment by For some reason when you view this quest, and you aren't signed in to WoWhead, it says that the quest is obsolete, and that it can no longer be done..

It isn't true.. This quest is still very much do-able. Comment by ggregt CRZ makes this painful. The spawn rate is really slow. I know it's not forever, but having done this on 10 or so toon already, it's just silly. Comment by Yuiopy This whole quest chain is depressing. Comment by Roamin Pamela Why does your doll have boobs and a man's head? Comment by Zygor guides wanted me to stay in the foundation where the first piece left side was found. However, nothing happened there.

I found the remaining two pieces in the nearby house, second floor. Comment by I just did this quest now, and it's very much possible in patch 5. There are three pieces of the doll you need to collect in nearby houses. The locations of these pieces will NOT show up on your map's quest tracker, you need to look around for yourself. In South Central Eastern Plaguelands, you will come across a small hamlet, which goes by the name, Darrowshire. To reach there, you may take the flight path to Chillwind Camp, Eastern Plaguelands.

After this, you can head to the East along the road. In between the two camps, right in the middle, you are going to come across Darrowshire. Inside the group of a few buildings, you will come across a circle 15 feet in diameter , which is the town square. You will come across a skeleton on the ground and a post in the middle. To drop the pack on earth and start the script, you will have to stand and right-click on the sack of relics.

If Redpath or Davil dies, the whole event comes to an end, ultimately losing the game. If you lose the quest, then even abandon it from your side and return to Chromie in WPL.


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