Blankets, belts and other devices allow students of all skill levels to work safely in the classical yoga asanas postures. Iyengar also revolutionized the therapeutic applications of yoga, gaining recognition for yoga as treatment for serious medical conditions.
Iyengar continued his daily practice at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India, until shortly before his death at the age of 95 on August 20, Named for Mr. She died in December His son, Prashant S.
Iyengar, has also written extensively about yoga. Distance 1 5 10 20 30 Click here. Iyengar Yoga UK. About Yogacharya Sri B. Timeline of B. Therapy Teacher. But Iyengar also had a mischievous sense of humour, announcing at one of his Keynotes how people had thought that his initials BKS Bellur Krishnamacarya Sunderaja actually stood for Beat, Kick and Shout because of his hands-on teaching method.
His charismatic, world class teaching is well documented from various famous individuals to regular small groups to conventions where he taught up to people in masterclasses. He taught at large events well into his later life including Crystal Palace in , at the age of 86 in Estes Park, Colorado in , and even continued into his nineties with events in Moscow in and at the age of 92 in Beijing In China a commemorative stamp was issued in his honour.
That he could carry on teaching until his mid-nineties and with such energy and insight was remarkable and inspirational. For the million and more people who have been taught by him directly, his teaching has genius. He was known to his students as Guruji, one who brings light where there is darkness.
Pervading his teaching was a lifelong dedication to a genuinely radical vision of the potential significance of yoga for all. In private Iyengar was a conventionally conservative Indian, true to the culture and spiritual beliefs of his Brahmin heritage. As a yogi, however, he was a revolutionary. When he was a young man yoga was still very much an oriental mystery passed on from guru to sisya pupil , a closely guarded secret kept only for a select group.
That yoga came out of India, Iyengar was in no doubt, but he refused to believe that it belonged to any single country or culture. He vehemently and successfully opposed the attempt to patent yoga poses which took place in India in Yoga, he felt, should be available to any person, irrespective of sex, race, class or creed. There he demonstrated through photographs over asanas which he described in detail with their benefits.
This groundbreaking book has been translated into over 22 languages and remains an essential for anyone seeking an introduction to the subject. Light on Pranayama ; Light on Life , his yogic autobiography Yaugika Manas , an exploration of the yogic mind — these are only some of the almost twenty books in which Iyengar explored aspects of the vast subject that is yoga. There are also hundreds of articles, lectures and interviews now published. This is an astounding achievement for a man who left school at fourteen with no qualifications.
It is certain that Iyengar has made millions from or rather for yoga. Until the end of his life he remained at his Institute in Pune, teaching and learning. He also inaugurated the first temple to the ancient Sage Patanjali there. Patanjali is credited with codifying in Sanskrit the sutras on which yoga is based. I don't stretch my body as if it is an object. I do yoga from the self towards the body, not the other way around.
When he first met Yehudi Menuhin, the violinist complained that he never had time to relax and never got a good night's sleep. But Guruji did warn me: 'Relaxation doesn't mean yoga is a soft option.
This is where Iyengar came to practice yoga and improve his health. BKS Iyengar taught his first yoga class in In , Iyengar befriended Yehudi Menuhin, an American violinist. Menuhin grew to strongly believe in the power of yoga and practiced to improve his playing ability. Iyengar became his teacher, and Menuhin invited him to Switzerland to share his skills.
After this trip, Iyengar continued traveling West teaching his yoga practices.