With the release of Patch 5. As in previous raid tiers, Raid Finder wings and availability difficulties will be staggered. To access the new Raid Finder wings you will need a minimum average item level ilevel of This is our current schedule based on a planned patch release date of March 5. If the patch is delayed, or if we determine any change is needed, we'll update this article. Daxxarri -- 5. Quote: It's gated to mimic normal progression in raids. Along the way, each faction base will grow.
The Alliance builds a mighty spire, while the Horde builds a magical well. It can be looted once a week by creatures and treasures, but has a very low chance of being found.
Shan'ze's Ritual Stone : Used to summon elites for weapons of vanity and Secrets of the Isle of Thunder , which grants Thunder King's Treasure : Treasures scattered all over the island that can contain all of the aforementioned things and a Blissful Chest that has grays inside. Insignia of the Kirin Tor Offensive : Grants 25 reputations. Requires a Tattered historical papyri. Requires 10 Tattered historical papyri. Blood spirit by Potion of Light Steps - Can be used to levitate over traps, slow down, walk on water during the Treasures of the Thunder King quest.
Taking damage will break the effect. Dream powder : Puts the target to sleep for 25s. Only works on humanoids and beasts within the Treasures of the Thunder King quest. A common rock : Can be used to distract an enemy or activate a trap during the Treasures of the Thunder King quest.
Great mention of the Kirin Tor Offensive. Frost Rune Trap : Places a rune that will freeze the next hostile target that steps on it for 20s. Only usable in the Treasures of the Thunder King quest.
Arcane Motor : Consume an Arcane Focus to launch yourself forward. It can only be used during the Treasures of the Thunder King quest. Tabard: Tabard of the Kirin Tor Offensive currently a placeholder texture.
Mount: Reins of the Golden Primal Direhorn. Insignia of the Sunreaver Onslaught : Grants 25 reputation. Superior Insignia of the Sunreaver Onslaught : Grants reputation. Requires ten Tattered historical papyri. Potion of Light Steps : Can be used to levitate over traps, slow down.
The effect is broken when taking damage. High Commendation of the Sunreaver Onslaught. Can only be used during the Treasures of the Thunder King quest. Tabard: Tabard of the Sunreaver Onslaught. Mount: Reins of the Crimson Primal Direhorn.
Requires Exalted. Enough with the bombs! Subdued : Destroy 7 Sunreaver mana collectors near Dawnseeker Promontory. Made for war : Kill the Demolisher Pyrastral. Mana scavengers : Kill 9 Sunreaver Mana Wyrms. Explode, explode, explode me Strengthens defenses : Power 6 Sunreaver perimeter guards.
Made for war : Kill the Arcane Destroyer. Subdued : Destroy 7 mana foci around the High Violet. Then you will be sent to one of two new parts for three missions, The Siege of the Beasts or the Conqueror's Platea.
It is better to pterrolala in hand Do not escape! Do not tell anybody : Kill any 8 Zandalari trolls in the Conqueror's Stack. This can not end well : Kill any 8 Zandalari trolls in the Conqueror's Stack. You will then get a daily quest at then get a daily quest at the Lightning Vein Mine, which is followed up by an elite quest at the Thunder Forges.
Rescue and let die : Rescue the three Kirin Tor agents kidnapped in the ghost iron mines and kill the metal lord Mono-Han. Explorers in peril! To the forge! Stage 2 killing Zandalari : Thunderous Enervation Killing enemies heals you for every 1 second for 5 seconds.
Additional applications increase the duration. Tattered historical papyri , used to purchase reputation badges such as Superior Insignia of the Kirin Tor Offensive. Ancestral talisman of good fortune. Shan'ze's Ritual Stone , used to summon elites. Spirit of harmony. Requires Friendly, costs Ancestral talisman of good fortune. Requires Honored, costs Ancestral talisman of good fortune. Requires Revered, costs Ancestral talisman of good fortune. Requires Exalted, costs 3x Ancestral talisman of good fortune.
Handful of stolen gems : released by Scumblade Pillager , who appears in the second quarter and moves very fast. Loot 10 Golden casket in a run. Kill the God mole Gulkan : the boss at the end of the quest.
There are 10 mobs scattered around the Island to The champions of Lei Shen , who can release Shan'ze's Ritual Stone for players once a week.
Shan'ze's Ritual Stone can be obtained by other means as well, such as daily or by doing Thunder King Citadel. Notable loot: Sunreaver Micro-visor. Ku'lai the Skyclaw : Zandalari troll patrolling the beach around Za'Tual, in the southwestern part of the island Kill the Pterrorala domesticated. Enjoy : Giant tortoise that appears to be trapped in a tree when you approach it in Malandanza To get to its location, you will have to jump a speed upgrade or have Saurok skin.
Al'tabim the all-seeing It used to be on Yojamba Island, when the Zandalari were friendly vanilla trolls. Helped dress the fabric guys with their tiers. Ancient Mogu Guardian : Mogu who must be defeated by being dragged across the tiles. Invoked from Lightning Ritual Stone at Mogu Sportsman's Bow it's a potential drop.
Electromantic Ju'le : Mogu that appears near a lightning rod in the center of Maladanzat which can be used to remove debuffs. Lightning Bolt it's a potential drop. Qi'nor : Mogu that summons Saurok and throws lightning. Gaze of Qi'nor it's a potential drop. Ceratops Impalers is a potential drop. Drakkari Decapitator it's a potential drop.
Kor'dok : warrior Mogu warrior summoned from Spirit Ritual Stone at Revenge of Kor'dok it's a potential drop. Teng's reach is a potential drop that looks like Leafed Peak Breeze Staff. In the cemetery southeast of the Patio de los Huesos, his grave is the middle one. Deng's Spell : Summons Forgemaster Deng at In the cemetery southeast of the Court of Bones, his grave is the one in the left corner of his tombstone. Vu's spell : Summons Sparkmaster Vu at Almost in the same location as the previous two.
There are three tiers of these vanity weapons with different attributes and models, as they were in Burning Crusade Dragonmaw vs Dragon strike.
To learn the first tier, you must kill Itoka who is a challenging mini-boss. Basado en user comments , it seems that creating these ilvl weapons will allow you to learn the next level. Be the first to comment Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Legitimation: Your consent Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
I want to receive the newsletter. Nalak, the Storm Lord. Black Friday is here! See our selection with the best discounts in technology. The sky is blue. Scare away the weird Hatchling of the Heavenspeaker blue. Pull a Zandalari Beastcaller off his flying mount. Attack Zandalari Beastcaller , not to Zandalari Skiesman in which it is mounted. In the grotto of the Thunder King.
Get the following objectives in The Treasures of the Thunder King. Talk to Tenwu in the last room. Ready to raaaaaaaaaaaidear?! Fragments and wails. Complete mission The Chamberlain Shattered within 10 minutes after accepting it.
Down with the mogu. In the Court of Bones, summon and defeat the following Mogu Ancestors. See also Bad weed always dies. You will need incantations like Deng's Spell , to be used in the Mogu graveyard in the Court of Bones to summon these mobs. Wait for me to reach my final form! Enjoy the effects of a Zandalari potion and the powerful Loa perk at the same time.
Killing the God mole Drakkari on the south beach he will grant you Powerful loa , and near Za'tual is full of Zandalari Potion. Plunder and you will win. Find a treasure of the Thunder King. They are scattered throughout the Isle of Thunder.
And like Scumleaf No offense though because the work on current bosses is great so far and i'm kinda impressed of how devoted is the comminuty about bug reporting and fixing, that's a first time for me at this scale. From my point of view issues can happen , just like on Megaera which is not released yet , so some bosses cant be released in the "promised" date , and thats why i think its worthless to give any date to start with , i also beleive the stages thing was just to motivate players to do the stages quickly But i beleive once a boss is ready or near ready , they will release it , no need to rush right now we already got a few bosses in the box to farm and constantly improve in the meantime , quality over quantity.
Because we wouldn't want certain bosses to be unkowingly and accidentally released, maybe farmed by certain someones while its a dummy then report the issue, would we? Anyway, back to the subject, as 0rga said, things can happen, therefore it would be difficult to stick to a schedule once you have to postpone stuff.
Yeah, we messed up bosses schedule a bit because of Megaera's issues; after Megaera's release we should and I hope my irl schedule won't change this go back to normal releases. Thought you released Megaera yesterday. Twin consorts : First weekend of August the month Lei'shen : Once he's fully rested after he ended an August the supreme beeing Xuen Ra-den : After he will be free from jail for tresspassing copyrights regarding the case in which he's implyed against Thorim.