It's fun. Last edited by BDO ; 13 Feb, am. For all your DLC needs you need to buy two bundles: one of 1k tokens and the other of 2k tokens. Which is what this thread is about. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 12 Feb, pm.
Posts: 5. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. To progress through the game, players has to earn experience points to level up through the sixty levels.
These points can be earned via four categories:. As a new feature, players can walk around using a first person camera in their houses, vehicle dealerships, shops, and clubs. A new meter called F. If the player is to drive at medium to high speed near another vehicle, they will get a small amount of cash, usually under cash per pass.
Exploring the islands lets the player find vehicle wrecks , which will unlock vehicles on the islands. Players will go through events in the Solar Crown competition, consisting of challenges in varying race disciplines, although to compete in each car class, players will have to go through racing schools. Also present are various missions available in each island, as well as photo spots.
Test Drive Unlimited 2 has a similar online mode to the previous game; free roam driving. During free roaming, up to eight players can join a session at the same time. The ability to walk is also present in the new racing lobby, homes and shops.
When waiting for every player to be ready to race, cars of the other players can be examined. Also, players can use co-driving to be in the seat of another player's car to show or be shown different shortcuts.
Players can also join together to form clubs. If players continuously hit traffic vehicles their traffic offenses bar will go up, and eventually cops will chase them, using tactics including roadblocks and EMP.
Players reach different outlaw levels if they manage to evade chases. In multiplayer, players may play as cops upon getting a call from the police in order to chase other players committing traffic offenses. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. How satisfied are you with this discussion?
Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. How satisfied are you with this reply? In reply to Nameloi's post on December 9, In reply to mongolikescandy's post on May 15, In reply to chos's post on May 15, In reply to A. User's post on May 15, Microphone Posted December 7, Ryzza5 Posted December 7, Yet another waiting game. ScoobSTi Posted December 7, Also, just 3 bikes and 6 cars?
They're spending more time on the things we don't much care for. Posted December 8, ScoobSTi Posted December 8, Ryzza5 Posted December 8, So basically what you're saying is Incognito Posted December 8, Looks promising! But why did they not put more cars and bikes? TimBud Posted December 8, Only tempted if its free. Posted December 11, Join the conversation You can post now and register later. Reply to this topic Insert image from URL. Go to topic listing.
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