How to store breast milk in the freezer 2,3 Read on for how to freeze breast milk safely: Freeze your breast milk as soon as possible after expressing. Expressed milk may be added to already frozen breast milk, provided the milk you want to add is cooled in the fridge beforehand. For easier thawing and minimal wastage, store your milk in small portions less than 60 ml. These can be combined after defrosting. Check that your breast milk storage containers can be used in the freezer — some products such as glass bottles may crack at very low temperatures.
Store frozen breast milk at the back of the freezer where the temperature is most consistent. Keep it away from the walls of self-defrosting freezers.
Once fully thawed, previously frozen breast milk may be kept at room temperature for a maximum of two hours or in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. These can damage its nutritional and protective properties and create hot spots that could scald your baby.
Thawed breast milk left at room temperature should be fed to your baby within two hours or thrown away. Never re-freeze breast milk once thawed. How to warm your stored breast milk 2,3 Healthy, full-term babies can drink breast milk at room temperature or warmed to body temperature. Alternatively, use a bottle warmer.
Gently swirl the bottle or bag, without shaking or stirring, to mix any separated fat see above. Why does my stored breast milk smell odd?
Breast milk storage on the go If you have to transport your milk between work and home or daycare, use a cooler bag with ice packs. Using a breast pump. ABM clinical protocol 8: human milk storage information for home use for full-term infants, revised Breastfeed Med 12, Learn how to warm up breast milk safely and effectively. Your job, social obligations, sleep schedules, and plenty of other things will inevitably get in the way.
The solution? Pumped milk will stay good for 3 to 5 days in the fridge and up to 6 months in the freezer, although it may lose some nutritional and antioxidant properties. Baby will still get plenty of benefits, though! Aim for around 99 degrees Fahrenheit as a guideline. But breast milk is warm when babies nurse , so they'll prefer the familiarity of the temperature. Warming the milk also helps mix everything together fat tends to separate when milk is cooled down in the fridge or freezer.
Be careful not to go overboard, though: Too much heat can destroy the milk's enzymes and immunizing properties. There are several effective methods for warming breast milk. Make sure you follow the instructions properly so you don't scald your little one. Use warm water. Get a bowl of warm water; you can gently heat the water on the stove or source it directly from the faucet. Place a tightly-sealed bag or bottle of breast milk into the water.
Let the milk sit for a few minutes until it reaches body temperature. If the water cools too much, replace it with more warm water until the milk is warmed properly. Swirl the milk to incorporate the separated fat. Run under the tap.
As another method, you can run tightly-sealed breast milk directly under the faucet. If you want your baby to improve their self-soothing techniques, you may wonder how to get them to take a pacifier. Here are our top tips. Gripe water is a remedy available in liquid form. It contains a mixture of herbs and is often used to soothe colicky babies. Baby teeth, or primary teeth, usually start coming in between 6 and 12 months.
This timeline can vary widely, though. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M. Reheating breast milk Storing breast milk Storing guidelines Takeaway How to handle and store breast milk For moms returning to work or just ready for a bit of flexibility in their breastfeeding routine, understanding how to safely store and reheat pumped breast milk is important.
You can do that by following best practices for storing and reheating breast milk. Reheating breast milk. Storing breast milk. Storing guidelines. Note that if a room is exceptionally warm, four hours should be the limit.
Breast milk that has just been expressed can be kept in an insulated cooler with ice packs for up to 24 hours. Freshly expressed breast milk can be stored in the back of the refrigerator for up to five days. Breast milk that has just been expressed can be stored in a deep freezer for up to one year. Use within six months is considered optimal you can store breast milk in a normal freezer for three to six months.
The takeaway. There are a few things to keep in mind when storing breast milk. However, properly stored breast milk is always a healthy choice for your baby. Share on Pinterest. Parenthood Baby. You Asked, We Answered and More. Read this next. Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.