The lack of consensus may be explained by the type of grain researched. For instance, while refined grains may increase inflammation, whole grains appear to have very little effect on inflammation, and in some cases, may even lower it 13 , 14 , 15 , Moreover, cutting out grains may cause some people to naturally increase the quantity or variety of fruits and vegetables they eat — both of which may help reduce inflammation 17 , 18 , Yet, research clearly shows that, as long as you create a calorie deficit, you will lose weight regardless of whether your diet contains grains.
In fact, evidence suggests that eating whole grains may promote weight loss and boost your metabolism 21 , 22 , 23 , Thus, diets rich in grains may cause problems for people who have a difficult time dealing with large amounts of dietary carbs , such as those with diabetes or metabolic syndrome. This leads them to be digested very quickly, generally causing a spike in blood sugar levels shortly after a meal 25 , That said, fiber-rich whole grains may help stabilize and prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.
Therefore, cutting out all grains is not the only way to lower blood sugar levels 25 , 27 , A grain-free diet may reduce inflammation, aid weight loss, and improve digestion and blood sugar levels. It may also promote mental health and alleviate pain in people with fibromyalgia or endometriosis, though more research is needed. Unprocessed grains are a particularly good source of insoluble fiber.
This type of fiber adds bulk to your stools, helping food move through your gut more easily and reducing your risk of constipation Whole grains are a good source of nutrients, particularly fiber, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium 35 , 36 , On the other hand, processed grains, whose bran and germ have been removed, lack most of their fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds Studies show that unnecessarily following a grain-free diet may increase your risk of nutrient deficiencies , particularly in B vitamins, iron, and trace minerals You may be able to prevent this to a certain degree by increasing your intake of pseudocereals like quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat, as these tend to contain many of the same nutrients as whole grains 40 , 41 , In addition, increasing your intake of other foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, meat, fish, and eggs , can help make up for any nutrients no longer provided by grains.
Moreover, excluding all grains from your diet can reduce variety and make your diet unnecessarily restrictive, both of which may make this way of eating less sustainable in the long term.
Grain-free diets may limit nutrient intake, increase your risk of constipation, and be difficult to sustain in the long term. Unnecessarily demonizing grains for purported health reasons may also promote orthorexic eating behaviors. You may also choose to include marinades and salad dressings as added fats, as well as sweeteners, such as sugar, maple syrup, or honey. This includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy, pseudocereals, nuts, seeds, and non-grain-based flours.
Cutting down on grains can help remedy that. The solution to your period troubles may be in ditching grains. Everyone's body tolerates specific foods differently, so if you are considering cutting out a food group, it's best to speak to a doctor or nutritionist so you can do it safely.
By Carina Wolff. Read more: Get the facts on inflammatory bowel disease ». For most healthy people, evidence is sparse that going grain-free will be anything but inconvenient. But for people with certain digestive disorders, some research suggests that eliminating grains eases symptoms. Last year, a case series in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that the Specific Carbohydrate Diet — which excludes all grains and pseudo-grains, among other requirements — may help manage inflammatory bowel disease IBD.
The researchers looked at data from 50 people with IBD who followed the eating plan and were in remission. More than 92 percent believed the restrictive diet helped them stay healthy. Mindy Fleder, a year-old New Yorker, believes her special diet has warded off digestive troubles.
After seeking medical advice, Fleder gave up dairy and gluten, and later went entirely grain-free. To help stick with her diet, Fleder orders meals from Food Matters NYC, a gourmet delivery service that offers grain-free options.
Some people follow a grain-free diet due to allergies or intolerances, while others opt for it in an attempt to lose weight or improve their health…. Grains are the edible seeds of plants called cereals.
This article takes a close look at grains and their health effects, both the good stuff and the…. Whole grains have many legitimate health benefits. This article lists the top nine benefits of whole grains, as well as who might want to avoid them. Tags: diet , grain free , holistic , Integrative , lifestyle , nutrition , paleo.
Categories: Nutrition. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Book Appointment. Benefits of a Grain-Free Diet. Written by Ginny Streib.