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Patron Level:. Associate Level:. Occasional heartburn is common but does not necessarily mean one has GERD. Heartburn that occurs more than twice a week may be considered GERD, and it can eventually lead to more serious health problems.
The main symptoms are persistent heartburn and acid regurgitation. Some people have GERD without heartburn. Instead, they experience pain in the chest, sore throat, hoarseness in the morning, or trouble swallowing. You may feel like you have food stuck in your throat or like you are choking or your throat is tight.
GERD can also cause a dry cough and bad breath. No one knows why people get GERD. A hiatal hernia may contribute. A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach is above the diaphragm, the muscle wall that separates the stomach from the chest. The diaphragm helps the LES keep acid from coming up into the esophagus. When a hiatal hernia is present, it is easier for the acid to come up. In this way, a hiatal hernia can predispose to reflux. If you have had heartburn or any of the other symptoms for a while, you should see your doctor.
You may want to visit an internist a doctor who specializes in internal medicine or a gastroenterologist a doctor who treats diseases of the stomach and intestines. Depending on how severe your GERD is, treatment may involve one or more of the following lifestyle changes and medications or surgery. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter antacids, which you can buy without a prescription, or medications that stop acid production, or others which help the muscles that empty your stomach.
Many brands on the market use different combinations of three basic salts magnesium, calcium, and aluminum — with hydroxide or bicarbonate ions to neutralize the acid in your stomach. Antacids, however, have side effects. Magnesium salt can lead to diarrhea , and aluminum salts can cause constipation. Aluminum and magnesium salts are often combined in a single product to balance these effects. Calcium carbonate antacids, such as Tums, Titralac, and Alka-2, can also be a supplemental source of calcium.
They can cause constipation as well. Foaming agents , such as Gaviscon, work by covering your stomach contents with foam to prevent reflux. These drugs may help those who have no damage to the esophagus. They can also minimize excess belching. They are available in prescription strength and over the counter. You will also receive emails from Mayo Clinic on the latest health news, research, and care. Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this condition.
No alternative medicine therapies have been proved to treat GERD or reverse damage to the esophagus. Some complementary and alternative therapies may provide some relief, when combined with your doctor's care.
Talk to your doctor about what alternative GERD treatments may be safe for you. The options might include:. In addition to the questions that you've prepared to ask your doctor, don't hesitate to ask questions during your appointment anytime you don't understand something.
Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions. Being ready to answer them may leave time to go over points you want to spend more time on. You may be asked:. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. This content does not have an English version. This content does not have an Arabic version. Diagnosis Endoscopy Open pop-up dialog box Close.
Endoscopy An endoscopy procedure involves inserting a long, flexible tube endoscope down your throat and into your esophagus. Substitute for esophageal sphincter Open pop-up dialog box Close.
Substitute for esophageal sphincter The LINX device is an expandable ring of metal beads that keeps stomach acid from refluxing into the esophagus, but allows food to pass into the stomach. Email address. First Name let us know your preferred name. Last Name. Thank you for subscribing Your in-depth digestive health guide will be in your inbox shortly. Sorry something went wrong with your subscription Please, try again in a couple of minutes Retry. Patients don't necessarily have to avoid all their favorite foods, though.
The answer to that question should be the determinant of whether a patient needs to avoid a specific food. Not everybody has to avoid orange juice or tomato-based foods.
Avoiding tobacco and alcohol has also not been proven to reduce acid reflux. If lifestyle changes aren't enough, and symptoms resume after the end of the PPI trial, the patient may need to be on long-term therapy.
This is another point to be cost-conscious. More expensive doesn't mean better. Taking medication less frequently, every other day or even just a few times a week, may also save money while controlling a patient's symptoms, as long as he or she doesn't have complications like severe esophagitis or Barrett's esophagus.
To do on-demand or intermittent therapy is certainly a good and reasonable approach. Lower doses may also alleviate concerns about PPI side effects. A connection between hip fracture and PPI has been suggested by the research literature, but the association isn't certain enough that the medication needs to be contraindicated in all patients with osteoporosis, in Dr.
Gross's opinion. Increases in risk of Clostridium difficile and pneumonia are also possible concerns in PPI patients.