As the position of the north celestial pole changes, so does the apparent location of the stars, constellations, and the equinox and solstice points. Crucially, precession causes the plane of the ecliptic to shift slightly. The Sun enters the southern region of Ophiuchus on November 29 each year, remaining there until about December Now find Jupiter and Saturn low on the southeast horizon.
Ophiuchus is a vast, house-like large constellation to the right side of a line between Jupiter and Vega. Depictions of two kinds of dust in space: At left the pyramid-shaped glow of Zodiacal Light caused Zodiacal light is sunlight reflecting off dust in the Solar System—the building blocks of the planets, and the leftovers of comets. The science is, as usual when it comes to astrology, is way more interesting.
This is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by clicking here. More From Forbes. As always, lead with compassion, sensitivity, and care. This ties in nicely or not, as the case may be to the fact that Venus is set to enter Sagittarius on 7 October, which may leave you feeling feel stuck, unsupported, and lovesick. Well, astrology, on the surface, may be based on the position of the sun relative to certain constellations — and it may be influenced by the movements of the sun, moon, planets and stars, too.
Despite this, there are many people who put great stock in what their horoscope says each morning. They carefully scan the pages of their morning newspaper, searching for their own zodiac sign, and drink in everything that the astrologer has written for them that day.
Even after the thoroughly unpredictable events of the last 12 months! As reported on 24 July Even those of us who dismiss astrology as a load of absolute nonsense know which star sign we are. Or have we? NASA — as in, yes, actual NASA — have confirmed that the sky today is completely different to how it was almost 3, years ago , when the Babylonians first invented the 12 signs of the zodiac. However, astrologers have a word of warning to all those frantically casting the old zodiac aside.
Eastern astrology sidereal reads the planets against the current view of the constellations. Western astrology tropical sticks with the unchanging positions and accounts for the apparent shift via the great ages around 2, years in each sign. Hence the move from Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. A new story about an old misunderstanding is once again circulating—and NASA is once again setting the record straight. Anyone born between November 29 and December 17 would no longer be a Scorpio or a Sagittarius, but an Ophiuchus.
As astrology lovers online started to panic, NASA gently waded into the online fray to set the record straight. NASA then notes that the zodiac signs are simply constellations that are in line with the Earth and the Sun as the planet follows its orbit. Earth actually travels through 13 signs, including Capricorn, Aries, and, yes, Ophiuchus, but some 3, years ago the Babylonians—not NASA—decided 12 was neater than 13, so excluded the 13th zodiac sign and divided the zodiac into 12 parts based on the 12 months of their calendar, according to NASA.