The character is clearly a woman. That settles it once and for all: FemShep is the one true Commander Shepard. This is definitely canon, right, BioWare? Ten years ago this month, my very first anim test for Mass Effect. Yup, Commander Shepard was originally a woman: pic. Update: Cooper noted in a follow-up tweet that the motion capture itself was repurposed from BioWare's previous game, Jade Empire.
He added that, as we assumed, BioWare was always going to allow the player to choose the gender of their Commander Shepard in Mass Effect. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The Mass Effect Series is based on players taking control of Commander Shepard, and, like most RPGs, the player is given choices and customization options.
In Mass Effect the first game , players get to pick the commander's first name, gender, pre-service history Spacer, Colonist, Earthborn , and psych profile Ruthless, Sole Survivor, War Hero. Clearly, Shepard can be many things, but I'm wondering what the canonical Shepard is.
For instance, we know that in the Canon of Mass Effect 2, if you don't import a save file, the Council was not saved. Does Commander Shepard likewise have a "Canonical" origin, or are these two options always under direct control of the player - i. In each game, there's an option to use a premade default Shepard.
If male, his name is 'John', if female 'Jane'. Since this didn't change between games, I think we can assume it's as close to canon as anything and certainly is in the same vein of the didn't-import-a-save options. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Is there a "Canonical" Commander Shepard?
Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 8 months ago. Because Shepard was awakened before the Commander's reconstruction was truly complete, Shepard's face bears several glowing scars, that can act as a visible indication of alignment.
Earning Paragon points will cause these scars to slowly fade, while Renegade points make the scars more noticeable, showing more of the glowing orange cybernetics. Higher Renegade scores will also cause the eyes to degenerate, first leading to glowing sections within the iris; at the higher two sections of the Renegade scale, the eyes visibly glow red. Immediately after gaining access to the Normandy's Tech Lab, Shepard receives an email from Doctor Chakwas which explains that positive thoughts will heal the scars.
It also states that, through an upgrade to the Normandy's Medical Bay, a surgery could insulate the cybernetic implants and accelerate the healing process. If the player chooses to have the surgery, the scars are permanently healed and Shepard's moral choices will no longer affect the Commander's appearance. This upgrade costs 50, platinum; the upgrade itself does not heal the scars, but upgrades the medical bay, where Shepard can go to heal the scars at any time.
If Shepard chooses not to heal the facial scars during Mass Effect 2, they will still be healed at the beginning of Mass Effect 3. If Shepard continues along the Renegade path in Mass Effect 3, the scars and red pupils will eventually return.
If Shepard took part in the events of Arrival , the Commander is on Earth and is placed under arrest, waiting to be tried for causing the destruction of the Bahak system and its , batarian colonists.
If not, then Shepard is tried for working with Cerberus. Six months later, the Reapers launch an assault on Earth, having found an alternate means of entering the galaxy. Shepard and David Anderson escape to the Alliance-refitted Normandy SR-2 , where Anderson recommissions and charges Shepard with finding help while he stays behind to lead the resistance.
As the Normandy lifts off, Shepard spots a young boy who previously refused help, climb into a departing shuttle, only for it to be shot down by a Reaper Destroyer. Shepard continues to have recurring dreams of the child, seeing him becoming consumed by flames before the Commander can reach him.
In one such dream, Shepard sees the boy run up to another version of themselves, before both of them are consumed by the fire.
Shepard then begins trying to recruit the different races of the galaxy, both to fight the Reapers, and build a super weapon known simply as the Crucible , the schematics for which were discovered by Dr. Unfortunately, the Illusive Man seeks to oppose the Commander's efforts while trying to find a way to control the Reapers. During the final battle for Earth, Shepard is gravely wounded in an attack by Harbinger. The Catalyst explains to Shepard the purpose of the Reapers and their cycle of destruction, and then states that Shepard has up to three options for ending the cycle:.
Assuming Shepard chooses an option that activates the Crucible, then many years in the future, Commander Shepard has become a legendary figure known as "The Shepard". If Shepard does not activate the Crucible, a future cycle learns of their actions through Glyph , and all that is known about "The Shepard" is what was stored in the archives left by Liara. This new cycle is implied to have solved the Reaper threat thanks to information passed down by "those who came before". If Shepard chooses an option that activates the Crucible, the epilogue shows the squad along with Joker, Cortez if he survived and Traynor.
The squadmate Shepard was closest to places Shepard's name above Anderson's on the memorial wall, and, if Shepard chose to merge organic and synthetic life, hugs EDI. If, however, Shepard chose to destroy the Reapers, and the player's Effective Military Strength was high enough, the squadmate hesitates to put Shepard's name on the wall and instead smiles hopefully. Mass Effect Wiki Explore. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Original Trilogy. Explore Wikis Community Central.